Wer von uns, hat sich die Galaxy gekauft, um Base Building zu betreiben?
Da gibt es jetzt schlechte Nachrichten...
Viele Backer haben sich gewundert, dass es während der CitizenCon keine Erwähnung der Galaxy gab
obwohl Base Building einen so zentralen Platz in der Präsentation einnahm.
John Crewe (der Mann der niemals lachte) hat sich nun genötigt gefühlt eine Antwort zu geben.
Er hat sich dann nochmal zu Wort gemeldet.
JCrewe CIG@JCrewe_CIG
Today at 14:22
Just to try and add some extra information as the phrasing for aspects was perhaps not as clear as it could've been, I'm aware that the news is not as hoped but I'd prefer to update now than keep people in the dark until the Galaxy releases.
1) Emphasis on no current plans, this does not exclude that there were plans in the past (as inferred at CitizenCon 2953) or that there could be again in the future, there is simply nothing right now.
2) The way base building works with drones now does not lend itself to the Galaxy's module layout due to their size and navigation requirements and if one would exist in the future, it would be significantly divergent than from what shown on that slide regardless
3) The "confusion" comment was in regards to discussion about why we did not discuss it during CitizenCon 2954 and the ships status, not over past statements existing or not.
Hier der Beitrag von der Con 2953 wo Base Building für die Galaxy gezeigt wurde.