30k protection

  • moin, gerade gefunden und geklaut :)


    vor 56 Minuten

    for everyone because you seemed to also have not known how 30k prot works:

    30k protection:

    after a 30k your ship and tis cargo+lose cargo inside+ship inventory will be safed and stored at your home residence location
    Do not claim the ship
    fly to the home location where it is stored
    RETRIEVE THE SHIP ONCE AND STORE IT AGAIN IMMEDIATLY to reinitialize the cargogrid and make the cargo show up on TDDs

    this is a pretty much 100% guaranteed way to recover your ship after a 30k and it has never ever not worked for me since they fixed it recently. Its silly though how poorly explained the protection is because its a massive reassurance during playing for me. If you are ROC mining e.g move all your gems into the internal ship storage between clusters and they will be 30k protected, technically even the ROC in the cargo hold should be restored.

    Mal sehen ob es stimmt und funktioniert..